A roadtrip to the Rennaisance Festival (about 1.5 hours from downtown Houston) requires cinnamon rolls. Don't ask me why, but after seeing so many blog posts on these cinnamony-ooey-gooey treats, I have been waiting for the perfect time to make them. This is what had me up at 6am on a Saturday morning. These aren't your Pillsbury straight-out-of-a-can cinnamon rolls. These require work....
I used the recipe from The Joy of Vegan Baking. On Friday night I made the dough and let it rise, smeared the filling on the rolled out dough (thanks to John for rolling), and cut up the individual rolls. Saturday morning I let them come to room temperature and finish rising. The smell the filled the house was intoxicating. I came downstairs to check the rolls about 5 minutes prior to being done.... disaster!! The cinnamon rolls completely popped open and the filling was spread out over the baking sheet in a big ole mess. Luckily John came to the rescue and said we should take them out and smoosh them into a pyrex and just ladle the filling on top. Whew! Regardless of this setback, we all enjoyed the cinnamon rolls on the long drive up to Magnolia... (next time I will just cook them in a pyrex)
The last time I was at the Rennaisance Festival I was probably in grade school. My only memories are lots of people dressed up, the hair wrap and wreath with flowers and ribbons I got, and turkey legs (just like you Diann!). Yes, this is not a vegan's paradise for food. In fact, the only thing I ate after the cinnamon roll in the car, was some cinnamon-roasted almonds. Instead of dressing up in traditional renaissance fair garb, I went armed with vegan flair. Five pieces of vegan flair (I know, it's not the minimum of 14 pieces, plus I lost one during the day)! Besides my shirt, I had a "you are not an environmentalist if you eat meat", "vegan freak", "i don't eat anything with a face", and "be kind to animals don't eat them" buttons. And by the end of the day I gained one more piece of flair, a henna tattoo of the word "vegan".
Here's some more pictures from the festival... the grounds are amazingly huge. Lots of big trees, and it was another warm November Day in southeast Texas.
Some festival fairies, an anatomically-correct man+horse (what's the word?), a Star Wars inspired Highlander, and some dancing gypsies...
And of course festival games! Jacob's Ladder, long bow, tomato toss, and knife throwing. It was a long day, but lots of fun. I even managed to block out the presence of turkey legs, and the elephant and camel rides. It'll probably be another ten years before I go again...
Mmm, those cinnamon rolls look good. I need to buy that book. Actually I don't because I don't need any more baked goods in this house, but I WANT to buy that book. :-) I want to see your henna tattoo!!!
Wow, I would DEFINITELY get up at 6AM for cinnamon buns... not to make them, but to eat them if someone else made them!!! Looks like you had lots of fun at the fair :o).
I absolutely LOVE your outfit - perfect for the RenFest!
The cinnamon roll recipe should have been clear about keeping the rolls close together. Looks like they turned out okay though.
Nice flair! And those cin rolls look awesome. Must try that recipe soon.
Cinnamon rolls - yum!
And the word would be "centaur". :)
Wow, those rolls look so good! It's been ages since I had anything like this. Yours look like something out of a nice little bakery! I love the photos form the festival too.
Looks like there's a few posts for me to catch up on since my last visit...good stuff! I'm loving veganmofo.
looks like the Renaissance Fair was a lot of fun!! Haha yeah, I stopped going to the one that comes to my state in the summer, since there are just waaay too many turkey legs and such - and it wasn't very clean. but aside from all that, those cinnamon rolls are the epitome of decadence - WOW!!
The cinnamon rolls look gorgeous! Despite the abundance of vegan recipes for them that have floated around the web, I've resisted because they involve working with yeast! Maybe getting over that aversion should be one of my VeganMoFo goals. I won't promise anything, though!
Aww thanks :o). And I have the problem of trying to think of new titles too... I also try to think of new ways to describe my foods, but I always seem to revert back to adjectives like decadent, scrumptious, delicious, and amazing.
Those wonderful rolls looked divine, but I tell you what really caught my eye - it was the "don't eat birds" t-shirt! I thought that was really elegant.
(And, hey, thanks for leaving the comment on my site. Yes, that was a good Monday morning giggle, wasn't it?! It's the only way to start a new week.)
That's a centaur. I only know that because I'm a sagittarius and it's my sign!
I would love to go to a renaissance fair. It looks like fun. Of course I'd have to pack a lunch.
Oh, and the first word I uttered upon seeing those cinnamon rolls? 'Oooh.'
I have that book. I've only made two recipes thus far, but now I think I need to try this one.
the cinnamon rolls look awesome, and that knife throwing looks really fun, too! ;D
My friend saw the picture of those cinnamon rolls in the Joy of Baking book and said he'd go vegan if his partner made them regularly ;) I need to make them and am glad to know about the need to bake them in Pyrex.
Renaissance Fair - that thing seems crazy! I've never been to one and had to laugh out loud at some of your descriptions.
Excellent job with the vegan flair!
my sister just told me she had Cinnabon for breakfast and I was jealous because they aren't vegan of course..your cinnamon rolls look so much better then Cinnabon's.
I love that you went armed and ready to spread the vegan word!
yum, those cinnamon rolls look divine!
i LOVE yr shirt!!!
I love your Ren.Fair. Outfit! Very stylish and super vegan, just the way I like it! Your photos from the event are awesome, but I have to admit I'm drooling over the cinnamon rolls. I have fond memories of cinnamon rolls- they are one of the first serious, fancy things Daiku and I baked after I became vegan. Is there anything better than an ooey,gooey, fresh, sweet, iced bun of goodness that you get to eat after working on it for a few hours? I think not!
what fun! the centaur looks really cool. and wow! those cinammon rolls....another book to add to my wishlist b/c those look pretty darn tasty.
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