Lately I have been trying to overcome my left-brained tendencies and get a little crafty. So when Shellyfish introduced her Work-In-Progress (W.I.P) Wednesdays last week, I thought I would join in on the fun occcasionally (maybe once a month I'll post my crafty endeavors)!
Now I know I'm supposed to post works-in-progress, but I couldn't help but showing off a few completed crafty things. Starting with cupcakes of course! But these are no ordinary cupcakes.... they are crafty cupcakes. I made these to bring to an amigurumi class at Sew Crafty Houston, my first attempt at crocheting (and definitely not my first attempt at cupcakes)! And how perfect is it that we crocheted cupcake ornaments? I still need to work on my crocheting technique....
I've also been learning to sew. I haven't moved beyond straight lines and 90 degree turns yet, but maybe someday soon. This weekend I made up a bunch of reusable bags to use for Christmas gifts. These are so easy to make! Just four straight lines of sewing, a few more if you want to add a handle. And the more you give them away, the less everyone will use wasteful wrapping paper.
And now for the real "works-in-progress", all knitting projects for Christmas! These projects are all at a beginner's level, and most involve just knitting and purling. I'm knitting as fast as I can to finish these up before the 25th. There is a boy hat, fetching fingerless gloves (okay this one is for me, but I've put them on hold till after the holiday), a pair of yoga socks using bamboo and soy yarn, and a one-row scarf. Not to mention I need to cast on three more dishrags!
There is something very magical and rewarding about a handmade gift. With each stitch that is sewn, every row that is purled or every cookie that is baked, there is also a lot of love that goes into that fabric, yarn, or dough. As I'm working on a particular gift, I often think of times I've spent with that person or how they might use what I'm making them. It has helped me understand the true spirit of giving. What handmade projects are you working on for the holidays?
How to Heal Your Gut in 30 Days
18 hours ago
Shellyfish has inspired me to be crafty too. I am working on embroidering some tea towels as well as some sock monkeys for the kiddos. I love to sew and embroider. I want to learn how to crochet.
So fun!! I love crocheting scarves, knitting little holiday crafts, and making beaded wreaths :-)
You are amazing. Yoga socks!!! where did you find that pattern?Looking forward to more WIP posts.
I make jewlery and other assorted beaded items. This year for Christmas I am making bracelets and beaded bookmarks for people. I'm also painting a wooden jewlery box for my niece. Everyone else gets homemade Christmas cookies.
Good luck with all your knitting projects. (I plan on learning how to knit soon too)
I LOVE that you're, and completed projects are great as well! I love your ideas for the holidays - and of course your cupcakes!! I want to make so re-usable bags for gift-giving, too, but for now we're using scrap paper that Guppy has decorated!
You rock, Amanda!
Love all your crafiness, too cute! Espcially the cupcakes!
I looooooooooove handmade gifts! I love to receive AND give them. In the past I've knitted scarves for friends... made natural soap... jewelry. Haven't had time this year unfortunately. :( Hope to get back in the groove for 2009!
I see a lot of great projects coming up and your cupcake is as beautiful as always.
lovely cupcakes! also, i'm intrigued by the gift bag idea! this definitely sounds like sewing on my level. i'm awesome at sewing straight lines, haha... plus, i won't have to actually wrap presents (ugh ugh ugh) in wasteful paper. i like this notion a lot.
Yay! What a nice post. I love your crafts and cupcakes. I have had fun this year wrapping gifts in magazine pages and making little paper collages to label them looks neat and reuses amterials :)
I absolutely love the craftiness that the holidays inspire. And, not to mention, those cupcakes look fan-freaking-tastic :) I want one.
You are so awesome Amanda - thank you so much for these cupcakes! They were not only delicious, but looked amazing!
Also, you are like a crafty savant - you pick things up so easily!
You're super crafty! It wouldn't seem that you would any trouble. Those Xmas bags are a really cool idea and they look great! Did you make your knitting bag? I love that fabric!!! All the goodies inside are super cool too! If I didn't know I would have no clue that you're a new knitter. You're a knatural! :p
Those cupcakes are tres cute! I'm impressed with your craftiness--and wish I had the time to learn how to sew and knit. Some day...! While I didn't make my gifts this year, I only bought handmade gifts (mostly from Etsy) and a plane ticket for my beau. :)
Hooray! WIP Wednesday is a fantastic idea. I agree - homemade and handmade gifts are the best. I'm gifting homemade liqueur, granola, and baked goods this year.
I'm handmaking gifts this year too! Cross stitching actually. It is super special. I just hope some of my superficial, greedy friends will appreciate all my hard work. :-)
Oh, and those cupcakes are too freakin' cute! I love the button skull-and-crossbones logo.
Handmade gifts are so wonderful. I really wish I wasn't so busy with school because I think these gift ideas are so much better than anything I could buy for my loved ones. And your cupcakes are adorable!
It is really interesting to see what you are getting up to Amanda! love the idea of using those bags instead of wrapping paper, it's a fabulous idea!
Wow look at you! All this sewing and knitting and cupcakes, 3 of my favorite things! I love the picure of the cupcake being held up in front of the sign. Really cool.
I wish I'd started on DIYing Christmas earlier... because despite the fact that I'd been planning on it all year, I still haven't started.
I still "plan" to make cookies, though. We'll see how that goes.
Those are such great gifts! How fab that you've joined in on the WIP. I think those reusable bags are a brilliant idea--I must pull out my old sewing machine!
Do baked goods count for homemade gifts? I seem to totally suck at crafty stuff. Maybe working on those skills should be my New Year's resolution?
Great ideas! I am just learning how to knit. My brother in laws girlfriend is attempting to teach my mother in law and I, but we are both left handed and she is right so we are having some problems! :) Oh well! Love those cupcakes..yum!
My handmade gifts will be cookies, because I don't know how to sew! shame on me!
Nice cupcakes, by the way!
could these cupcakes truly be any more fantastical?
hi A!! we don't talk enough. I miss you, by golly.
You are awesome!
I love maing handmade gifts... dunno yet what I'm going to make this year. The creative bug has yet to bite me.
Look at you go. Such adorable cuppers.
As for sewing, Sew Everything Workshop is a GREAT book if you're just learning. Plus it comes with free patterns. With the cookbook deadline looming, all I can do is look at the unfinished quilt, mountain of fabric and lonely sewing machine sitting in the corner of my closet and sigh. I miss it!
Gasp! Amigurumi class? Button and needle cupcakes? I'm totally living in the wrong place!
Cupcake ornaments - how perfect! I always love getting handmade scarves and things for gifts. I wish I could make gifts other than baked goods.
Those cupcakes are too cute! I love the idea of Christmas bags! When people come in and buy wine for gifts, I try to persuade them to buy a reusable bag and use that as the gift bag rather than getting a paper one. It usually works.
I used to knit years ago - even made numerous sweaters & pairs of mitts for myself if you can believe it, a coat & matching hat for my neice, baby clothes for friends, etc. I seem to have such an erratic work schedule for the past couple of years, that I never have time. I'm hoping to get back into it soon-ish. Can't wait to see your finished projects!
Aww, I love the cupcakes! Your projects all look so awesome.
I love the idea of the gift bags. We use old paper supermarket bags to wrap gifts, and then color sentiments on the wrap. It's fun and gives us an excuse to break out the crayons.
Jane of
bahahaha. those are so cute! everything is. :)
I suspect several people have already given this to you because it is so fitting, but just in case, I've passed on to you a proximidade award.
Wow - love your sew crafty cupcakes! And how crafty have you been recently?!!
Yoga socks!! I need to learn how to make a pair of those, my feet get so cold!!
Your themed cupcakes are adorable! And the reusable bags are plain awesome!
I'm making some felt Christmas tree decorations for the family, but I'm afraid my sewing skills aren't the best!
I always enjoyed both getting and making homemade gifts. Your homemade bags are especially nice. I like the winter theme.
And your cupcakes - adorable!
I like those reusable gift bags! Your crafty crocheted and real cupcakes are also absolutely adorable. No worries about the crocheting; I have zero skills in that department so you have me beat by a mile anytime. Reading this post makes me want to be more crafty too! Maybe I should start making my food look more like art... :)
I love all your handmade projects! Those who get gifts from you are definitely lucky!
these cupcakes are so badass!!! i love them. i rarely bake cupcakes because i just can't have them in the house. i'll inhale them.
Oops, just realized I put the gift bag comment on the wrong post! I read the last 4 of your posts all at once, so that explains it. :)
I'd love a pair of toasty yoga socks. I was freezing during Savasana today!
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