I must admit to a serious addiction... I can't stop filling my bookshelves with vegan cookbooks. So for all of you out there that are working on one (Hannah, Ricki, Urban Vegan, Celine & Joni, Bianca, others?), you can count on me purchasing a copy! One of my more recent cookbook acquisitions is "Get It Ripe" by Jae Steele. The first half of the book is a great reference tool on how to cook the basics, stocking your pantry, even some details about the wonders of our digestive system! But of course, the best part is the recipes. Her dishes rely on fresh, seasonal produce, which is something we could all use more of.
The first recipe I made from the book was the Sesame Kale Soba. Such a simple meal, but very flavorful and beautiful color with the olive green soba noodles (these had some kind of sea vegetable in them) and the emerald green kale. The sesame seeds added some textural crunch. And since my first home-cooked spaghetti squash turned out so well, I decided to try something a bit fancier, spaghetti squash with pinenut parm. I think I may have found a vegan parmesan that I love! Next time I make this dish, I'll remember to invite friends over because we had tons of leftovers (luckily not a bad thing).
Even though the day's of fresh basil are waning with the entrance of cold weather to the Houston area, we have plenty of frozen pesto to remind us of the summer months. In this dish, pesto pairs perfectly with white beans, quinoa, and fresh spinach.
And I couldn't leave out the ultimate in fall seasonal produce... the pumpkin. I used Jae's recipe for pumpkin pie to make a "deconstructed pumpkin pie" for our recent Society of PEACE Thanksgiving dinner. Constructed of a base of pumpkin mousse, a pumpkin and chocolate chip biscotti, and a dallop of vegan whipped cream with a dusting of cinnamon, these were devoured (and hopefully enjoyed) by the 75 dinner guests.
Even if you aren't addicted to cookbooks like me, I think this one is certainly worth checking out!
How to Heal Your Gut in 30 Days
15 hours ago
I don't think I'm addicted to vegan cookbooks, but I am addicted to making vegan food!
That kale noodle looks so good! Kale tastes so delicious with a peanut-based sauce...
I'm addicted to cookbooks too. I think mine is genetic. My mom has over 2,000 cookbooks in her collection! Most are omni of course, but she has some awesome retro 50s ones.
I'm writing one, slowly but surely. I hope to start a testing site soon.
I love getting new vegan cookbooks. My lack of funds are the only thing that stand in my way. DARN!!! MY Christmas list is almost completely new cookbooks and fun kitchen gadgets. :o) I lvoe the deconstructed pumpkin pie!
Your bowl is so beautiful! And that de-constructed pie is just stunning.
I think I have a generalized book addicition - but I can't wait to get those new cookbooks, too. As a tester for Ricki, Celine & Joni, I can say they are going to be amazing!
Wow, more amazing food! I don't know how you do it! The deconstructed pie sounds fun!
Everything looks very tasty! I haven't seen many bloggers review that book, so thank you. It's definitely on my list.
One question...with the pumpkin pie, are you following a recipe for the whipped cream? I'm always searching for a good whipped cream recipe.
Thank you!
oh those photos look yummy! great- another book to add to THE LIST.
thanks so much for the shout out!
i'm really glad the book is working out for you - and the pics look great.
at my house right now we have a rediscovered love for the no-fredo sauce. not just for pasta, we've be using it as a creemy sauce for all sorts of veggies.
finally, have you seen the youtube vids? http://youtube.com/getitripe
I really want to get this cookbook now! Oh and don't worry, I have a cookbook addiction too!
Incredible eats!!
I'm definitely addicted to cookbooks, too (I've lost track how many I have), and have been enjoying jae's book as well. We went to the same nutrition school (she was there a couple years after I was) so of course I love her philosophy of food and ingredients. And thanks for the mention of my upcoming book, too :)
That bean pesto dish looks amazing, as does your deconstructed pie. I bet all 75 of your guests inhaled it! C'mon, when are you going to open that bakery, already--?? (Okay, I'll even accept a catering company) ;)
Mm..everything looks so good, I am going to have to check that book out! Love the white bean dish! White beans are my fav!!
I have the same problem. I am going to have to get a bigger bookshelf for my kitchen.
I am really enjoying my copy of Get It Ripe as well. The Sesame Kale Soba was the first dish I tried too! I do the lemon/water detox drink many mornings too.
this totally sounds like a cookbook i need! i just bought some kale yesterday, so i may have to make do with my own rendering of sesame kale w/soba until i aquire the actual recipe. yummmm.
Your pictures are beautiful! Beans and pesto is the way to go, what a great book.
Yum! I think I need to get this book ASAP!! :)
I also have a cookbook addiction. I will soon need a library just for cookbooks. That's what so great about authors having blogs, even if those recipes aren't in the book you get an idea for the foods they like and that gets me super excited about the cookbook.
I'm addicted too, but I've known for a while that I need this book. Your foods turned out great, and your dessert is just beautiful (and I'm sure was enjoyed by all)!
Thanks for the review! The pesto, beans, and quinoa dish looks so summery and inviting. Ahh, summer, so far away.
Ohh, I think my favorite one would be the pesto, white beans, spinach, and quinoa dish!
Everything looks wonderful... but the spaghetti squash makes me want to start cooking *right now*!
Haha, well I'm happy to hear that you're so enthusiastic about trying out new cookbooks! It might still be a bit of a wait before my next one comes out though... :( Cross your fingers for me that I can get it to print asap!
I bought Get It While It's Ripe a few weeks ago and so far, everything I've made from it has been divine. The Carob Chai Cake is ridiculously tasty and I love that she uses spelt flour.
All your photos are amazing. I've got my eye on that Sesame Kale Soba recipe next.
i too love vegan cookbooks! and i'll check out Get It Ripe, too! it sounds soo awesome! i love all of your dishes - they're all so beautiful! and the deconstructed pumpkin pie = wow! :D
Hi :)
I know you can get a potted evergreen at Buchanan's nursury in the Heights (it's on 11th St). I'm not sure if they're local, though. I'm thinking I'll get a rosemary tree this year. Beautiful, fragrant and you can plant it after Christmas.
If you want to see what it's like to work in a garden, just let me know and I'll find something for you to do... :)
Everything looks amazing! You should be a food photographer for all these upcoming vegan cookbooks!
The deconstructed pumpkin pie looks so good, those were some very lucky 75 dinner guests!
You are only reminding me of the massive number of vegan cookbooks I wish I could have! And the deconstructed pumpkin pie!!! If someone told me I could have vegan whipped cream, pumpkin mousse, and pumpkin chocolate chip biscotti all at once... WOW! I would be sold right then and there. :) Those 75 dinner guests are lucky, lucky people.
Man, are you EVER putting those cookbooks to good use!
Did you take a photography course, by the way? Your photos always look so professional.
That sounds like a great book! Everything you made looks so healthy and delicious. I'll have to pick it up when I see it.
Looks yummy!
so, what is your fave vegan parm cheese?
The 6 of the 75 guests that were at my table for the Society of PEACE Thanksgiving dinner thoroughly enjoyed the deconstructed pumpkin pie. Had I not been in public and trying to be on my best behavior I would have turned the wrapper inside out and licked it clean. The biscotti was nothing short of perfection too. Thank you so much for providing such delicious desserts!
You've seen my cookbook shelf! I haven't bought any in a while. I'm waiting for the Walking the Vegan Line cookbook. :)
I adore vegan cookbooks too and will buy anyone pretty much that comes my way..
That quinoa/pesto/bean/spinach dish looks sooo good.
My credit card does NOT thank you for the cookbook suggestion :)
I'm a total addict, too!!
Hi. I'm Carrie & I'm and addict. It's been mere weeks since I purchased my last cookbook. So, I hear ya!
Everything looks so good, but I'm especially taken by the white bean dish. YUMMERS!
I just wanna say that I've loved your blog!
Daaaaaamn....this one DOES look worth checking out. That pumpkin pie looks deliciously deconstructed!!
Guess what? You've been tagged!
Go here: http://veggie-terrain.blogspot.com/2008/12/so-me-so-not-me.html to find out what to do next!
PS This post is just as drool-worthy after viewing it the second time around :)
You and I share the vegan cookbook obsession. :) I have Get it Ripe on my holiday wishlist!
Not that your photographs were ever less than sterling, but these latest one just jump off the page, wow!
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