Since I have now been tagged four times for the "7 random facts meme" by Liz, Stacey, Al, and Sarah; I figured it is about time I got around to posting it! And since I recently saw The Christmas Carol at the theatre, I'm going take a stroll with a few Christmas spirits. And I'll throw in a recent dinner as well. As the clock strikes 1 am, I am visited by...
The Ghost of Christmas Past
1. When I was in grade school, I won a poetry writing contest and the prize was getting to go see Queen Elizabeth when she came to Houston (an aside: I was first accused of plagiarizing but then they realized I was merely using another author's style, but it was pretty traumatic to be accused of such a thing as a fourth grader). I still remember the very royal feeling dress that I wore to the event.
2. My first marathon attempt was when I was 17 years old on the coldest day I can remember in Houston. I dropped out of the race around mile 13 with a mild case of hypothermia. After that we had two days off from school because of icy roads. (I later completed my first marathon while living in Colorado)
3. I used to have a serious love for the frozen Stouffer's corn souffle when I was growing up. Now that my taste buds have matured a bit ( i.e. I need more spice), the kicked up southwestern corn pudding was just the thing to send me down memory lane last night. (from veganomicon, served with chile cornmeal crusted tofu and mango salsa)
The Ghost of Christmas Present
4. Now my current obsession is Maine Root Ginger Brew. I just had to say something about this because Stacey predicted I would. I am trying to be good though and limiting myself to just four per week. Beware though, this is not your standard ginger ale. If you take a big gulp, it will come back to bite you in your throat!
5. Not sure why, but I got all into the holiday spirit this year and decided to get my first tree as an adult (and after much research on the environmental consequences, I went for a real tree). I even carried on the tradition from my childhood of making fudge to have during the decorating process. And it finally made me appreciate that my mom got us an ornament every single year, because now I can look back and remember picking them out. And funny, my ornaments seem to mimic my obsessions at the time (I got a cupcake this year). 6. I have itchy legs. Seriously, even though I live in a pretty humid climate, I have terribly dry, itchy legs. The moisturizer I'm using right now just isn't cutting it (Alba). Any suggestions?
The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
7. I've been in somewhat of a blogging slump, but that will hopefully change soon with the new year. I do have a major holiday sweets post coming your way next week. As my brother would say, "wait for it". There's much more where this came from...
For the two of you out there that haven't been tagged yet.... you are now tagged if:
1. you're looking out your office window (or at your cubicle wall) right now wishing you were anywhere but there
2. you like having nuts stuck in your teeth
How to Heal Your Gut in 30 Days
18 hours ago
Great meme, ornaments, and cupcakes!! :-)
I miss you, Amanda!!!!
Best meme ever! I'm serious; I loved the creative spin you put on it. And I can definitely see how you could be accused of plaigarism, since you're such a terrific writer, even here on your blog. But gosh, how mean!
Hope you're staying warmer than we are here in Dallas!
Whoah! How random! I'm from Sherman, TX and my brother, Scott Spurlin won that same poetry contest and got to go see Queen Elizabeth! He wrote a poem about a tree and the end of the world. He was put in a book with all the other winners. Are you in that book?
How cool about the Queen (but not the plagiarism). I'm Canadian and have never seen her--I'm jealous!
Your sweet treats are gorgeous, as always--can't wait to read more!
That corn pudding looks amazing! Can you post the recipe??
Have you tried coconut oil as a moisturizer? Works for me...!
n/m... just read your twitter about V'con...
what a fun meme! thanks for sharing! i've never had a corn souffle before, but your kicked up southwestern corn pudding looks awesome! mmmmmmmmm! gonna have to check out that recipe, fo 'sho!
i've started to feel kinda slumpy myself with the blogging. it's hard to keep up and find time for it during the holidays! i bet you'll be back in no time!
i still have yet to put up my own tree. maybe next year dan & i will do that. my momma also gives us an ornament each year. i love yours - they're so great! great choice on the real tree! biodegradable = the best ever! and real trees make your home smell so nice! superw00t!
looking forward to your holiday sweets post! yay!
i put up my first xmas tree as an adult this year too! we also got ornaments every year from one of my uncles and his wife and it was fun to see all the phases i went through. a lot of music ones, some artsy ones, loads of nerdy reading ones, some penguins and some kitties. ah, life.
Love that cupcake ornament! :)
This was a fun read, Amanda! I love your orniment, but I'm sorry about your slump - they come and go, but we will stay! And I'd love to have you join us for WIP Wednesday next week!! :)
Gold Medal cream (in the tube)works well. My kids have really red itchy hands in winter and this is the only thing that works.
Gotta try that corn pudding recipe! And this was such a fun meme to read and I love how you included facts about you past present and future.
Try using almond or apricot oil while you are still damp from a shower. This totally helps my hideously dry winter skin! And you will smell delicious!
Awesome food porn! Your Christmas tree is so beautiful, and I love the cupcake ornament!!
I have itchy legs too, especially around and above the ankle area. Stupid dry skin! I've tried many lotions and oils. Vitamin E oil helps, a little.
We have given our children an ornament every year since they were born. Both of our daughters loved the tradition and I hope they carry it on with their children. Your cupcakes are always so amazing!!!
Meeting the Queen is cool and all, but I'm more impressed with the marathon! Damn woman. That's serious. The baking, of course, is as amazing as always.
What an adorable ornament. I wish we'd had a tradition like that, I like the idea of watching myself grow up via christmas decorations.
that corn pudding looks divine! What an awesome sunny plate.
Great facts! Do the ginger brew bottles have neat caps? Maybe you could glue them together and make an ornament for your tree! I like Aimee's suggestion - I'll have to try that.
I got a cupcake ornament too!
Mmm, that dinner looks good.
That cupcake ornament is adorable!
I've been having dry, itchy leg syndrome as well and I find that Jason's Naturals lotion in Cocoa butter has been the best help for me. I also have been not shaving.
Winter is just no good to skin!
Oh, I'm sure we'll have plenty of awesome blog posts from you next year! And I'm already looking forward to it!
Oooh, that corn pudding picture is totally making me salivate. The colors are so vivid! Great pic!
I have itchy legs right now too. The skin on my legs is literally flaking off. It's gross and I've been moisturizing like crazy. One thing that used to work for me in the winter (that I haven't tried yet this year but fully intend to when I can make it to the mall) is Origins Sea Salt Scrub. It has a ton of oil in it, and when you use it in the shower, it really helps slough away that dry skin and moisturize.
That would be Gold Bond cream, not Gold Medal! Also, Palmer's Shea Butter (in the jar, not the lotion) works well, too.
That's amazing! You attempted your first marathon when you were 17! that's so cool!
Oh gosh those cupcakes look so yummy!
I love it! And looking forward to your holiday sweets post!
I have itchy legs, but in a different way. I also have very dry skin, so I use Trader Joe's body cream in the pump (the extra dry formula). It's nice and thick.
The gift bags you're sewing are fantastic!
Very nice post! I look forward to seeing more recipes and goodies in the coming year!
i love your facts!! how cool that you met the queen!!! your cupcakes are gorgeousssss!!!!!
hope all is well :)
Great facts! Love A Christmas Carol, every version of it. My mom also let me pick out an ornament almost ever year, and when I got my first tree as an adult she gave them all to me, in addition to the ornaments I made as a kid. I love putting them on the tree every year.
Try coconut oil. it's a FABULOUS moisturizer... maybe will work for you? I haven't tried it anywhere but my face yet but I keep meaning too :) I have dry dry legs too blech. If you do try it let me know if it works!
Try emu oil. It works great and is full of vitamin E
I know this is late, but:
To anonymous: emu oil is definitely NOT vegan!
Moving on: I used to live in a humid area then moved to CO and the only moisturizer I've found that keeps me from going insane by dryness (is that possible? lol) is Keys, The moisturizer is great as is the Tortuga for dry skin. All products are vegan and mostly organic too!
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