So I'm going to start off this post the same way we started our Vegan Sweets and Eats Potluck.... you get to guess how many chocolate mint lentils (you can buy them online here) are in the jar! Yes, you have a slight disadvantage in that you only have this photo (and at an odd angle too), but give it your best shot! I have a door prize to give out to whoever is the closest, so just leave your guess in a comment and I'll announce the winner on V-day. Those of you who were at the party are not eligible :-)
This was Society of PEACE's First Annual (which hopefully means there will be a second annual) Vegan Eats and Sweets Valentine potluck, hosted by yours truly! It was such a fun event to plan, what to get for door prizes, what food to make, and decorating the house with different shades of red and pink carnations (a much under appreciated flower).
To start with, the food. Everything was delicious. So many people kept remarking how good the food was and how we need to do these potluck things more often. I couldn't agree more. They are the perfect way to socialize with other veg*ns and get new recipe ideas. Below are only some of the dishes that we enjoyed, including raw cashew dip with fruit, hummus with pita chips and veggies, sweet potato fried, dahl, chili, stuffed mushrooms, and sushi. Not pictured were spring rolls, green bean salad, and some other Indian lentil thing that I totally forgot the name of (even though I asked two or three times)! Even though there was a ton of food, it all disappeared so quickly. Guess it was just that good.
To satisfy the vegan sweet tooth (cuz you know I have one!) there were dried apricots, two kinds of chocolate cupcakes, and peanut butter bombs. Thank goodness I saved a few cupcakes, the last one will be devoured tonight by me!!
After everyone stuffed themselves silly, it was time for door prizes! We had some great stuff; Cherrybrook Kitchen brownie, cookie, and cake mixes, Endangered Species chocolates, a Vegalicious calendar, a copy of Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, and the latest issue of Vegetarian Times.
Best of all, we had up for grabs some of the adorable artwork of Mrs. Cakespy! She did a custom mini-watercolor of a vegan cupcake baker, just for the occasion (you simply must enlarge it by clicking on the photo or the previous link to truly appreciate it's cuteness)! Lucky for you, she even has this design (and another cute vegan themed one) on her cafepress site in the form of a T-shirt and magnets. I picked up a couple of the magnets for door prizes as well.
And no one went home empty handed, Mrs. Cakespy was sweet enough to let me use the watercolor design on a Vegan Sweets recipe booklet that everyone got to submit their favorite sweet recipe to before it was printed. A cute and useful keepsake!
And there is another shot of the lentil jar for you to ponder over, enlarge, and count individual lentils (dang, I'm giving you ideas!). Get your guess in by 9pm CST on Feb 14!!
How to Heal Your Gut in 30 Days
22 hours ago
um, let's see. my guess is 453 chocolate lentils.
thats looks like soooo much fun.
i wish i could have been there.
You are awesome for hosting this potluck! I know it took a lot of work and the door prizes were a great idea.
I'll guess 2200 yummies in the jar.
Your potluck looks like it was a blast, and lots of yummy food too which is always important!
My guess for the chocolate lentils is: 478.
Sarah L
I would love to go to a vegan potluck! It's sounds like it was much fun--and the cupcake bakers are so cute.
I'm guessing 822 lentils!
What a fun & adorable event! I love a good potluck!
Hmm.. I'll guess 1,977 lentils!
this sounds like one cool event. you are awesome for hosting it.
I think there are 999 lentils in this jar...
Wow, how jealous am I? Everything looks awesome!
Now, I was going to guess 250 before I realized how silly that would be... So now I think I'm going to go with 750!
Oh gosh, I am never good at guessing, but I will try: 650
The potluck looked like a delicious time!
Mmm Those lentils look so yummy! And your potlock setup is gorgeous. I love the contrast of the oh so healthy apricots with the cupcakes, hehe!
I'm going to have to guess that there are... 575 chocolate lentils!
1111 lentils?
that potluck sounds amazing, and I love the idea of the recipe book!
Hmm, I think I'll go with 625!
Aren't you the ambitious one for organizing a pot luck. It sounds like it was a HUGE success! All of the food looks delicious. Smart of you to save a couple of cupcakes for yourself. :o)
My guess for lentils in the jar will be 850.
What an incredible potluck! And that cupcake jar. It really is too cute (as is the artwork by Cakespy).
Ok, I'm going to guess 980 chocolate lentils in the jar.
My guess is 552 vegan lentils!
I guess 1110 :) Also, YUM!!
That looks like so much fun! I wish I lived near you, I woulda been all about that! I really want to have a fun potluck/vegan event but I only know four other vegans in my neck of the woods and that wouldn't be quite the same.
But everything looks so festive and creative! Awesome job!
Now for my guess (I never win anything, so here's to hoping): 700
The vegan potluck sounds so much fun.
... I guess 1618 lentil chocolates!
I'd never thought I'd say this, but: I wish I lived in Texas!! What an awesome event you organized.
I love the water cute.
My guess is 777.
YAY! That looks like a blast! And what FUN! a contest! WOOHOO!
My guess is 627!
Thanks for the fun!
um... I was going to say 253, but it looks like I'm outnumbered. Literally. I'm sticking with it, though, because I'm stubborn! 253!
Those cupcakes are precious! (of course, knowing me and my cupcake obsession, I skip over the rest of the lovely food and go right for the cupcakes)
kudos to you for hosting such an INCREDIBLE looking/sounding potluck event - whoo hoo!! :0D
**my guess for the number of lentils = 725
That all looks great! My guess is 548.
Oh goodie- I used to win all of these guessing type things in 4th grade! Um...I'm gonna go with 1377!
My guess is 793 lentils. I'd also be curious to know what the group average guess is, and if that's close to the right answer. People always say that crowds are smarter than individuals . . .
333 sweet chocolate lentils. yum.
1,000 lentils?
What a host you are! Looks like a great party. My guess - 1400.
That seems like so much fun. I wish I knew enough vegans to have potlucks here. Cute idea with the little recipe booklet, I love it!
I'll guess for 983.
Wow, that looks like an awesome potluck!
I'm going to guess 608.
Just had to tell you I had the same fear of different foods touching on my plate when I was a kid. My mom always piled everything together in the middle of the plate and I had to spend time separating before I could get started eating!
i want those cupcakes! my goodness they look amazzzzzzzzzzing!
Ok, my guess is 1,225. Don't laugh at me if I'm way off LOL.
Oh, I saw those fake cupcakes at Barnes and Nobles last night and I thought of you :o).
I'm a little jealous of all the cool vegan potlucks. ---Must find more local vegan. The Boston folks are great, but far away for me.
Have you ever had chocolate dipped dried apricots? Those were a favorite of mine when before going vegan. Surprisingly, I've not tried making my own yet.
My guess on the lentils----691.
Thanks for running a little contest.
My Guess is 1053!
Great Blog!
I guess that there are 987 lentils :)
I'm going to guess 2,211
Happy Valentines!
Sounds like a great time. I'm so jealous of all you vegans who get to have actual, real life conversations with other vegans! I'm so isolated here I usually have to rely in teh internets.
My guess is 534.
My guess is 1194 and I don't envy you having to count them all.
you are too cute! What a fun get-together! Are you really going to have count all those little yummy bits? I have no idea, so I am going to go big 2475.
My guess is 5,086 lentils! Gasp, I almost missed the contest!
I would have guessed about 800 so I guess it doesn't matter that I was in late!
Thank you again for including my artwork in your Vegan Potluck...wish I could have been there WITH it!! :-)
that looks like a fantastic get together!
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