So many crafts! So little time! For this Work-In Progress Wednesday post I'm showing off a bunch of finished projects. So grab a cup of tea, a snuggly blanket, and follow along...
First, it's time to reveal this month's completed stitch-along! The last few days I have been embroidering like a mad woman to finish up the Bear & Bunny dolls. I must admit to struggling a bit with stitching up the final bit after stuffing. My slip stitch isn't the best, so I often resort to other techniques (such as forcing the stuffed animal through my sewing machine, with mixed success). But it worked out in the end and these two dollies have now found good homes. (oh, and that is my childhood Easter basket with them that my crafty mom made!) I made these boxer shorts for my brother's birthday (hopefully he won't read this and spoil the surprise). This is my first pattern from Sew Everything Workshop, and the directions were a bit cryptic for me, but I was still happy with the final product.
Did you know that March 20 was Meatout Day 2009? Actually, everyday should be meatout day as far as I'm concerned, but that's beside the point. Our local vegan group held a movie screening with an accompanying bake sale, so I made vanilla Meatout cupcakes complete with a fondant piece of meat.
Remember those giraffe parts strewn about that I showed you last time? Well here is the final first birthday cake. The recipient was even sweet enough to send me a few pics of her little one blowing out the candles and getting all messy with the cake (I made a separate, mini-cake just for that). So cute!
I finished sewing the first of three aprons this past week, and I love the way it turned out! The pattern is from Amy Butler's book In Stitches. A quick and easy pattern that can easily be finished in a few evenings of sewing.
And my final sewing project to show off... I made this fleece-lined paw print blanket to donate to the Snuggles Project, which provides blankets to animal shelters. My hope is that a lonely cat or dog finds some tiny bit of comfort in resting on this blanket rather than a concrete floor. My stuffed koala, Barnaby, is demonstrating one potential use.
That about wraps it up for this WIP Wednesday! Be sure to check out other wipsters posts!
I am off to Seattle this weekend to visit my sister and have a girly few days of facials, yoga, baking, visiting a chocolate factory, and shopping. And of course, there will be Mighty O's, lots of Mighty O's....
Do Red Light Masks Actually Work?
9 hours ago
You are so talented! Everything is so adorable! Love that apron, it could almost be a skirt (of course you would need a back to it!.) :)
Yummy cupcakes!
i am jealous of your craftiness.
and i am also jealous that you get to eat mighty-o's!!!
Love that apron. I really want to start collecting handcrafted aprons. I can't sew, but I can sure buy stuff from Etsy.
dang, girl, you've got some serious crafty energy! I can't believe you made boxer shorts. Somehow, that seems so complicated! The meatout cuppers are totally rad. I saw them on your flickr and loved 'em.
You've been very busy! All of your projects turned out great and I love the apron. Have a nice time with your sister!
have fun in Seattle with your sister! i have yet to have a donut since becoming vegan - and i'm imagining how awesome Mighty O's will be now. mmmmmmm!
all of your WIPs rock! i love the boxers and the blanket for the animals the most! i used to work for the spca - and i can tell you that some lucky pet is for sure gonna love your beautiful blanket! that's so awesome! w00t! the first b-day cake = the cutest! and i adore the apron! i can't wait to see the others when they're done! yay!
i too think everyday should be meatout day! your meatout cuppers = super stellar!
I love everything about this post! Your apron, the cupcakes and the dog blanket most of all!
I LOVE those cupcakes - so cute. Are they from a recipe book?
Such awesomeness on your blog. Your talent is so amazing. And thanks for the kind words regarding my poetry. You inspired the muse within and I wrote two poems for my two little guys. I posted them yesterday. Thanks for the inspiration. And I liked reading about you on Shelly's WIP post. You are so creative!
Girl you have to be the most creative person I know!!
What mind-blowing creativity you have! All the sweets look breathtaking. Gotta love a koala!
Wow, I still don't know how you find time to do all you do! All the crafts are great, and I love the basket your mom made, BTW. The apron is cute too.
Your giraffe cake is adorable!
You might have to make a second blanket, don't think the koala is going to part with that one...
I'm thinking, "Damn. This woman must not watch a bit of TV!" But then I know you watch at least Top Chef. So, then maybe you don't sleep. Wow. You're hecka impressive!
Love the cupcakes! And the apron too - I've made one from the same design, love that sewing book. I think you might have inspired me to haul out the machine and get stichin!
My name is Michael; I am the outreach coordinator for Farm Animal Rights Movement (the organization that puts on Meatout). We really like what you did wiht those Meatout cupcakes and would like to use the picture on our Meatout website/flickr/myspace/etc. Would this be okay, and if so, how should we credit the picture?
Thanks so much,
Michael A. Weber
PS I also emailed you, in case you don't check individual comments
Those meat out cupcakes are SO CUTE!!!!
Those meat-out cupcakes are great; your fondant skills are killer! And the blanket is going to such a rad cause!
Your bear and bunny dolls turned out so cute! I'm so jealous of your stitching skills.
Your brother is going to love his boxer shorts! How fun they are with all the sexy ladies!
Yay for Meatout Day! The little fondant piece of meat is adorable.
The giraffe cake is gorgeous! How nice of the lady to send you pictures!
Your apron is awesome! And I love th blanket! That is so sweet of you, a little furry one will love it!
Have fun in Seattle! Eat a couple of Mighty O's for me! :D
I love the apron and the giraffe cake! I'm sure you'll have a great time in Seattle. I look forward to reading about your adventures there.
Here's a link you might find helpful, (I'm not vegan, but know several.) Julia's is great, and it sounds like you already know about Mighty-0.
Everything is amazing Amanda! You're a real inspiration, like I said on my WIP post, and I love that you use your crafting powers for good and not evil (like those meat out cuppers and that sweet blanket)! Have a blast in Seattle!
I can't believe I missed Meatout Day [i]again[/i].
I love the blanket. It's so sweet that you are donating it to an animal shelter!
All the projects look wonderful! The cake is too adorable for words!!
completely awesome! love the apron!!
Just love those boxer shorts!
Gorgeous apron Amanda! I couldn't do any of these projects to save myself, huff!
you have a lot of talent and even more perseverance! Hats off to you :)
All the stitching work was superb (the blanket being my favorite :) ) but the meat out sign on the cupcakes is right up there too! Very well done :)
Aw, I love how you've put your crafty talents to charitable causes. That is such a great project. And your cupcakes and cake look fabulous too!
Enjoy your trip. Yeah for your Wip-i-ness! Love the koala.
Hi! Just wanted to say a big "thank you" for your blog! You really inspired me! I have been eating vegan for a little over a month now. Did not know what to eat at first, felt very frantic. :) Googled "vegan Houston" after the first week, looked at all the pictures and calmed down a great deal!
You also inspired me to cook. My husband is so happy about all the muffins that are now just flying out of the kitchen!
BTW, I also live in Houston. I am going on 27. Any interesting vegan events you could recommend?
I love your Meat Out cupcakes!!!
The cupcakes are very cool! You are one sewing maniac! Everything looks so cute, love the purse and apron.
i LOVE that apron & that blanket. the cupcakes & cake also look very good.
what school did you go to? im searching for a good college for a geology major. you can e-mail me at: taskette81 at hotmail dot com if thats easier.
thanks! cant wait to see what you sew up next!
hey vegan noodle,
it's been a while since you've posted or tweeted... I hope all is well! Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you!
:) amey
I am the lucky recepient of one of your lovely aprons! Thank you so much. The apple pattern is just so cheerful. You are a very talented and thoughtful young lady. Love, Mamafish
I'm a bad wipster - my chandelier is hanging from the ceiling half painted, much to the chagrin of my husband :) I shall return! LOVE the cupcakes, and the stitch-work!!
Thanks so much for your good wishes on the book! I really appreciate it.
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