Looking back on my posts from the last few weeks, there has been very little vegan noodle-made food! That comes along with being out of town and just being generally busy (like everyone else isn't and you're still cooking fabulous dishes, puts me to shame...) and not cooking anything too spectacular. But I thought some of these were definitely blog-worthy. Let's see if you agree.
Here is the spinach tarragon "quiche" from V-con. It was different from other vegan quiches that I've tried because it's not made with tofu, but navy beans and walnuts and asparagus. I subbed dill for all of the tarragon, just because I needed to use it up. We both really enjoyed this dish, plus I thought it was kind of pretty. Oh, and I was really proud that I made the crust on my own, usually I just cheat and use the frozen ones.
A side and up-close shot of a slice. I served this with a simple spinach salad topped with pine nuts and grape tomatoes (and I think avocado, but I don't see it in the pic and I've since forgotten). I think next time I would top it with some balsamic glace to finish it.
The Sunday before last, my family came over for brunch since my brother was in town for a bachelor party (impressive that he made it to our place on time!). My mom was awesome enough to make cinnamon rolls from JOVB. Yum yum yum. This is the one I saved for the next morning when I was up in Calgary.
My contribution was another V-con recipe, the blue flannel hash, fitting since my latest obsession has been with blue/purple potatoes (I have a bag in the pantry, any suggestions on what I use them for next?). And of course you can never get enough tempeh.
And finally, for dessert, the lower fat deep chocolate bundt cake from V-con. It really was some seriously deep chocolate, thanks to the coffee I'm thinking. My first bundt cake ever too. I was so glad to have a piece of this on the plane ride (and shhhh, for breakfast)
I was recently tagged by LizzyQ to tell all you readers five things about myself. So, here you go...
1. I have never owned a pet (excluding inheriting my best friend's two hamsters when she moved to Singapore). But I would like to someday if we live in a place with an actual yard. I'm thinking I'm a dog person, mainly because I'm allergic to cats.
2. I am eligible to run for president in 2016. I figured this out when I was about twelve.
3. I have never eaten a fast food hamburger. As a kid I thought they were disgusting.
4. I have been married 169 days / 4063 hours / 243803 minutes / 14628214 no 15 no 16 seconds
5. Okay, what a spinoff.... I was going to write here that this year is my ten year high school reunion and instead of going to my own, I'm gonna crash (with her permission) my friend's in Las Vegas (she's the one who went to Singapore, so they're meeting back in the US). BUT out of curiosity I google my high school, and what do you know, they are actually getting together. Now I'm wondering, should I go??
Alright, I'm supposed to tag five people but I'm sleepy, so consider yourself tagged if you are reading this!
Do Red Light Masks Actually Work?
7 hours ago
Welcome back! That's awesome you've never eaten a fast food burger! Wish I could say the same!
Lovely "quiche". Interesting ingredients. I really need to purchase some of these great vegan cookbooks I keep hearing about.
Somehow I passed this recipe up! A vegan quiche made out of beans not tofu? Hmmm, I'm going to have to check that recipe out when I get home from work.
Ooooh, vegan cinnamon rolls.
And that cake looks fantastic, reading vegan blogs is torture when you're hungry! My boring granola bar doesn't seem quite as good anymore. :-(
Your quiche is beautiful!!
I think you should run for president in 2012. You'd beat all these sissies!
that quiche looks great! .. and so does that cake...
One thing I did with blue potatoes was make a cold vinaigrette potato salad and use it in a rainbow platter... it is very impressive and hard to find blue savory things.. hehe
wow, you certainly HAVE been cooking!! I'll take a serving of each, please ;0)
wow, such interesting facts about you!! I love that you might crash your friend's reunion - sounds like an adventure!! :0D and wow, I commend you for having never eaten a fast food burger in your lifetime - keep it up!
That quiche is gorgeous and I love that when you were 12 that you calculated the year you would be eligible to run for president - brilliant!
OMG that quiche! That cake! That everything. It looks so wonderful. The quiche is an absolute showstopper!
And I loved learning a bit more about you! But wait now...my mind is too small to do all this math...but we must have gotten married around the same time!!
Here is a great vegan recipe to use for those purple taties you have! I have made it, and it is super yummy! The link:
I really need to make those cinnamon rolls. They look incredible!
That quiche looks really green and yummy.
I replied to your question about dogs eating the vegan kitten food recipe I blogged about, here: http://vegtalk.blogspot.com/2008/03/lets-make-vegan-kitten-food.html
In short, I'd feed the dog Evolution.
I wish I had never had a fast food hamburger... had my first one only when I was twelve, though, because before that it was East Germany and no hamburgers around - or any other fast food, I must have had french fries like twice before then...
for purple foods try a purple potato salad :-)
I was just thinking about making the quiche sometime the other day, but was sort of afraid since I'm not sure if my omni family would like it. Thanks for posting those pictures, though, because now I think I actually will make it!
Oh, and you do realize that now I'm expecting you to run for president in 8 years? :)
The only thing I ever calculated was how old I would be in the year 2000. And despite having actually gone through it, I would have absolutely no idea how old I was without counting on my fingers.
The bundt cake looks yummy. I've never made or even eaten a bundt. Full-sized cakes have never been a friend of mine...
I'll have to try it someday.
Haha please DO run for president! (At the least, you'll be better than one former prez...)
And I *think* that your food looks blog-worthy, but I'm going to need some samples in order to be sure :o).
Vegan tag, you're it!
Info: http://vegtalk.blogspot.com/2008/03/vegan-tag-im-it.html
That chocolate cake looks REALLY good and I want ot eat it, now.
Just thought you should know. ;)
dogs are so awesome. i love my Sweetpea and wouldn't trade her for the world! she is only about 25lbs and doesn't really care for a yard. she's more of a lap dog (or thinks she is).
from what i know about you, you've got my vote!
I had my 10 yr HS reunion in 2007 but I didn't go. anyone i wanna see or talk to, i already do.
The quiche looks very interesting. . .the ones I've tried have also always had tofu. As to your potatoes, Johanna on Green Gourmet Giraffe did a great potato/onion/cheese bread a while back, which I've veganized and will post in the next few days (but you can check the original recipe and veganize really easily). It looks beautiful with those flecks of blue potato (which, sadly, I can't seem to find anywhere here!)
The bundt cake looks fab, but what is that it's sitting on? I just can't tell. I hope you get to own a dog one day. They will teach you so much. You have been married 169 days and I have been married for 69 days. Very cool blog.
I love your random facts, especially the precise number of seconds that you've been married. (-: Tres cute!
everything is so beautiful I don't know where to start!
I can't get over that quiche! its so amazing! (at first I thought it was gourmet pizza) but no its BETTER than pizza its vegan quiche! & that salad next to it! WOW.
& I'm a sucker for cinnybuns!
& that cake looks professional!
I saw the blue flannel hash on flickr and again, here's it making me hungry..
Yumm. Seriously, for someone who's really busy, that looks like some damn good eats! The most I've managed lately is cooking up a pot of cous cous and stirring in some veggies... Blah.
Yeah... good to see that quiche. I've been looking at that recipe for a while, just haven't gotten around to it yet. I didn't notice the lower-fat chocolate bundt cake recipe. I'll check it out. Usually when I make something like that, I end up eating most of it... so I try to be reasonably health conscious with my dessert choices.
:) Amey
that quiche is pretty & looks good!
That quiche looks fab, and totally intrigues me as I somehow overlooked it in V'con.
and you should totally run for president ;)
what a gorgeous quiche! the crust looks perfect! and that cake looks like the perfect breakfast. ;)
(and your not missing out on fast food hamburgers. they taste kinda like meaty babyfood, to the best of my recollection)
I don't think I'm going to go to my ten year high school reunion. No real desire, but you never know.
Oh My GOD! I'm in love with purple potatoes right now too!! love love love! In fact I ate my last one today and I need to go get some more :) I had wanted to say that your quiche looks AMAZING! I'd love to try!!
Um, kind of? Too bad your quiche is really, very, totally pretty! And I'm also proud that you made your own crust. I would kill to have a slice of that quiche at mealtime.
Ooh that hash is great-lookin'! Tempeh for breakfast is the best. I can't get enough of tempeh either.
Hehe, yay for cake for breakfast. And I would vote for you if you ran for president. I think a vegan president would have the values to change our country for the better. :)
I have put an order on for this book, as I have heard so much about it! I have to wait til April though, tap tap tap, go the fingers!
The quiche looks wicked yummy! And I am drooling over the bundt cake.
I think it's the sweetest thing that you have the exact length of time you have been married down to the second. :)
That quiche is gorgeous! I think bundt cake is a perfectly acceptable breakfast, hehe!
In Las Vegas, you must have Ronald's Donuts! I'm skipping my 10 yr reunion.
Your quiche is so pretty. And I think I'm skipping my 10 year reunion, too. ;)
Lovely photos!
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