During our trip to Boston, we were able to escape up to the White Mountains of New Hampshire for a two days of hiking, relaxation, and absolutely no wedding planning!! (my cell phone didn't have reception anyways). We stayed in the town of Bartlett, at a B&B called the Bartlett Inn. Whenever we travel we prefer to stay at inns or B&B's anything that's locally owned. It's much more personable and often higher quality. My love for B&B's has been slightly strained since going vegan, I haven't really run into any that have cooked me a full vegan breakfast like pancakes or waffles, but some do try harder than others. This time they were nice enough to make me some oatmeal tossed with plenty of fresh blueberries that were picked the day before! Oatmeal is a good start in the morning, especially when you're off for a hike!
Our first day there we did a half day hike up to Arethusa Falls and the over to the Frankenstein Cliffs, a popular place for ice climbing in the winter. The first half of the hike was full of foot traffic, many families making the short mile and a half hike up to the falls. Crowds thinned out after that, and John and I had the forest to ourselves. Here's a few pics from the hike:

The next day we had high hopes of summiting Mount Washington. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate very well. So we opted for a lazy morning in bed, then drove around to some of the nearby towns (North Conway) on a quick tour, then did a short hike along the Dry River Trail. It was rainy, but it felt invigorating to be walking amongst the trees. We went down to the river several times, John loves to explore places like this.

Our time in New Hampshire was enjoyable, a much-needed break that proved refreshing and invigorating. Of course, I'm a Colorado Rocky mountains girl myself (alumni of both CSU and CU), but the White Mountains were impressive.
Okay, back to normal blogging now. I'm hoping to try some new things this weekend that I'll post shortly! Hope everyone enjoys their weekend and the forecast looks better than it does here (more rain...yuck)!
P.S. Can anyone tell me why the spacing changes in my posts? I don't know what I'm doing wrong!
wow - what a lovely scenery!! sounds like a blessing that your cell phone didn't work out there, since you could truly relax :0)
Impressive? I'll say!!
I like your blogging, this is "normal" to me... it's nice that you let us in on your world outside of food!
The Dry River Trail is insane and i love this White Mountains area. Very, very nice. New Hamphsire looks pretty freakin' aweesome.
i have been to Colorado a couple of times and love it there... my kinda peeps, my kinda scenery!
B&Bs can be hit-and-miss... i know what you mean. Strained is putting it nicely...
Welcome back (again)!!!
Nice blog! I went to New Hampshire (on a side trip while in Boston) a few years back and remember many of the same sights and trails... LOVED IT, absolutely loved it...
Washington State has a few very nice B&B's that will cater especially to us vegan travelers... I am sure other states do too, though it takes a bit of calling ahead and planning...
Anyway, nice blog, I'll be sure and stop by again soon!
I like your pictures. Looks like a nice vacation.
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